Friday, April 23, 2010

New Weekly Thing!

Hello this is Polkadotblu9. I have a great idea! It is called Diary Of a Go Green Kid, this will be a weekly journal entry contest. Every Friday you will write a journal entry on what you did that week to help save the environment! Whether it is making a goal to bike every day to school or having a zero waste lunch! This competition will start not next Friday but May, Friday 7th! Start thinking about you will do. The prize for the best journal entry will win 25 Go Green points!

To learn about go green points click this ----->


Jamesscn April 25, 2010 at 6:58 AM  

I just did something eco frendly! Instead of using 1 whole sheet for 1 homework, I split the sheet in 3 sections for 3 homeworks!

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